All successful entrepreneurs, wealthy people and academic geniuses agree that exponential growth is what it takes to be where they stand.
What is exponential growth? Mathematically, it’s just a way of describing how something not only grows over time but the rate of growing itself increases in the process, reaching unbelievable mark at the end.
Population grows at exponential rates, both human and animals. So do epidemic diseases extending themselves — the more the infected, the faster the disease spreads. As opposed to linear growth such as 1, 2, 3, 4, 5, 6… which is forever growing by a constant increase of 1, exponential growth such as 1, 2, 4, 8, 16, 32 easily overpasses it at the 3rd round, makes it twice as much in the 4th round and over 5 times in just the 6th round!
That’s astounding. And this is how billionaires are made. They are made of exponential growths.
Consider what you do now, as an online freelancer, a programmer in a corporate giant or a common office staff. You work for others, supplying your time in exchange for a monthly wage. You are a great worker, smart, creative, efficient and obedient, thus getting paid $100,000 a year — a rather high paying job that is. But after 10 years graduating from Harvard, you are still doing the same job, settled for just $100,000 a year, thinking great, I’d be able to retire at the age of 45 because then I’d have one million dollars! Yes, you probably would, but that’s it.
You get it. This guy is doomed with linear growth.
Let’s look again at how billionaires are made. They make use of every dollar they have at any time. Money works for them rather than the other way around.
What if I don’t have that much money in the first place? You would ask. Focus on the idea instead of the way billionaires are made. You don’t have money but you do have time at your own disposal. How you are going to spend them is just like the problem of how to effectively spend money and make them work for you.
Extend your thoughts into the future. Is how you spent the last minute wise and does it work into the future?
Part 2: What can you do?
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Can’t believe I wrote this good 4 years ago….